At the cross You beckon me. You draw me gently to my knees. And I am lost for words so lost in love I'm sweetly broken, wholly surrendered.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ups and Downs

It's hard to believe I've been working as a big for just a little over two weeks! Every day here literally feels like three days!

My journey so far has been like a roller coaster ride. One minute I'm super encouraged by the changes that are occurring in the lives of the teenagers and the next I'm questioning whether I made the right decision coming here. I've never experienced so many different emotions in 24 hours. Often I feel inadequate and unqualified for this job. I've also really been questioning my identity as I find it difficult to be myself with this brand new group of people.

Through all the ups and downs though, I've learned that I have to rely on God and other believers for support. As a human I'm guaranteed struggles in life, but that does now mean I have to struggle alone. That's not what God intended. My co-workers have quickly become my second family: encouraging me in the hard times, speaking truth into my life, and spurring me to show God's love to these littles.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2